
Matbucha in Morocco

matbucha in morocco

Matbucha in Morocco is a spicy vegetable sauce made primarily of peppers and tomatoes. It is widely regarded as Israel’s national sauce. The texture is paste-like, the structure is heterogeneous, and there are fragments of vegetables; the color is red and orange; the taste is spicy and harsh; the flavor is peppery and sweet. The term “matbukha” can also refer to a vegetable stew.

Ingredients for Matbucha in Morocco

  1. Sweet peppers – 400-500 gr.
  2. Tomatoes: 200-300 gr.
  3. 4 units chili pepper.
  4. 1 garlic head (5-6 cloves).
  5. Vegetable oil (sunflower or olive) – 1 tbsp.
  6. Salt – 1 tsp.
  7. Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  8. Ground paprika – half a teaspoon.

What is the process of making Matbucha in Morocco sauce?

The seasoning does not have a single recipe. Every household and every cook has their own method for cooking matbouhi. While all compositions include fleshy tomatoes, the types of peppers vary. Take the sweet Bulgarian varieties or the juicy California varieties and season with paprika or chile.

The sauce has to have been highly spicy at one point. The condiments’ formulation, designed in a period before freezers, was to prevent spoiling and reduce pathogenic flora that had already invaded the food. When the possibility of lengthy storage became available, people began to experiment with the taste of matbouh sauce, making it sweeter or spicier.

Matbucha in Morocco Cooking Instructions:

  • Remove the stalks, membranes, and seeds from the bell peppers and only the stalk from the chili to make a uniform sauce. Wash all of the vegetables under running water and puree 2 tomatoes and 4 red bell peppers until mushy, then pour the contents of the blender into an enamel pan. In a pan with sunflower oil, roast 4 chili rings and 1 garlic clove sliced into cloves. Boil everything on low heat until almost all of the liquid evaporates, then add the chopped roast to the saucepan. It must be stirred or it will burn. Before turning off the heat, add 1 tablespoon sugar, salt, and paprika powder to taste. Other seasonings can be added if you do not intend to store it for an extended period of time.
  • Hot sauce: Matbucha is prepared as a stew if the seasoning is offered as a side dish. 2 kilogram tomatoes, peeled and chopped into cubes, in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. Remove the bitter chili stems, cut them into three pods, and add them to the pot with the tomatoes. Crush the garlic (4 tbsp.) and steam everything over low heat until pasty, at least 1 hour. California peppers (2 pcs.) are chopped into large squares, membranes and seeds removed, and tossed with 2 tbsp. tomato paste and 1 tbsp. olive oil. Stir and cook until the vegetable pieces soften. Turn off and remove from heat immediately. Just before serving, season with salt and pepper if desired.
  • Served with onions. Onions are added to the components to make Matbucha in Morocco with a bitter taste. When using onion or white onion, the taste must be determined by experience. Heat the sunflower oil in a thick-walled pot and cook till golden onion rings (200 g), then sprinkle with paprika powder (1 tsp.). Pour 200 g of hot and juicy green or red bell peppers into the same pan and stir for 5 minutes. Pour in 4-5 chopped tomatoes, 4 garlic cloves crushed, and chopped bitter pepper. When all of the veggies are tender, take the container from the heat and mix until smooth with an immersion blender, seasoning with salt and pepper. Cold seasoning is served.
    It only takes 4 tablespoons of chicken broth. For 3 minutes, roast all types of peppers in sunflower oil, pre-cut into cubes (3 green bell peppers, 1 stemless green bitter, 1 red paprika), large garlic heads (previously peeled and cut wedges in half), all seasonings – 2 tbsp. paprika, 0.5 tsp. bitter black pepper, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. sugar.
  • Cook, covered, until all of the veggies are soft, and then evaporate, stirring regularly over a very low heat so that nothing burns. Pour in the broth until a spoon turns easily, then remove from the fire and chill. Refrigerate until needed.
  • This is a winter sauce. You can use Recipe #3 to produce matbucha. Only in this situation is the quantity of ingredients increased; otherwise, there is no necessity to experiment. Tomatoes require 2 kg, bell peppers 4-5 pieces, bitter -3 pieces, onions 1 kg, and a head of garlic. Vegetables are not just softened; they are cooked, and spices like as cumin and coriander are added as flavor enhancers in addition to salt and pepper. Bring it back to a boil once you’ve ground it using a blender. The seasoning is spread hot in sterilized jars, and the surface is brushed with sunflower oil.
  • Small private enterprises produce matbucha sauce. Production lines include machines for cutting and washing vegetables, agitators, vacuum chambers for heat treatment, and packaging devices. The food is packaged in flat cans of 250 mL made of food plastic. Minimum ingredients: two varieties of peppers (sweet and spicy), tomatoes, tomato paste, sugar, and salt. The types of preservatives and stabilizers are listed on the label. The texture is pasty and absolutely uniform.

Matbucha is extremely difficult to find in supermarkets outside of Israel. The spice does not have a high demand. Private vendors, on the other hand, accept orders via the Internet. Everyone must evaluate whether it is worthwhile to take the risk and order the product without knowing how it was stored.

  • Also see how to make pomegranate narsharab sauce.

Matbucha in Morocco is a vegetable stew sauce.

Being a lover of this nation and the people who have constructed a wealthy state in the desert over several decades, I became attracted with Israeli food more lately. Everything flowers in Israel. Girls’ cheeks, citrus orchards, and vegetable greenhouses. You take a local green lettuce leaf in your hand, eat it, and the liquid runs. Carrots come in red, orange, and purple varieties. Eggplant comes in white, speckled, and dark purple varieties. Mama, please! And what about olive oil? It’s not bitter, and if it is, it’s delicately bitter. You want to dip a freshly baked bread crust in it, salt it lightly, then enjoy it. When I told my companions about this culinary utopia and mentioned the titles Matbucha in Morocco, shakshuka, babaganush, and tkhina, they all nodded wisely and went to make pasta. I felt compelled to broaden their culinary horizons, so I began experimenting.

We will require:

  1. Red bell pepper, 3 pieces.
  2. 4 large fresh tomatoes, 4 pieces.
  3. Red chili pepper – 1 pc.
  4. 1 onion, large – 1 pc.
  5. Tomato paste – 1 tbsp.
  6. 5 cloves garlic
  7. Red paprika – 1 tsp.
  8. 2 pinches Zira
  9. Fry with olive oil
  10. Season with salt to taste
  11. Other supplies and equipment:
  12. Gloves for Casanok or cast iron pots

Creating a foundation

I want to concentrate on the spices. “A chicken should be a chicken, not a ballerina on a diet before a debut,” Grammy always says. The same is true with spices. They should be able to smell and taste. Paprika has a mild odor, and six months after grinding, even if carefully maintained, it has degraded to red powder. No worries. Nobody cancels Halloween, and you can dress up like a Native American leader. However, you must use a fresh spice with a spicy flavor when cooking. You’ll immediately recognize the flavor of zira. It’s vibrant and nutty. The seeds of zira resemble cumin or dill seeds in appearance. You are welcome to smell them!


  • Peel the onion, garlic, and peppers, but leave the chile alone.
  • Remove the skin from the tomato, or, as professional chefs say, blanch the tomato before cooking.
  • Cut the onion into half-rings, the bell pepper into small cubes, and the garlic into large chunks.
  • Pour olive oil into a cauldron, add the onions, and cook for ten minutes over medium heat before adding the paprika and cilantro. Continue the procedure by stirring with a spoon.
  • After another ten minutes, toss in the chopped chili peppers and seeds.
  • Then, to the cauldron, add bell peppers.
  • For another twenty minutes, the contents of the pot stew. It’s tomato cubes and tomato paste time. Stir everything together one more.
  • Garlic and salt are the finishing touches. You put it in, mix it, and taste it.
  • Close the cauldron with a lid, reduce the heat to low, and recollect the matbuch every half hour. Add water as needed. All vegetables should soften but not become mashed potatoes. The cooking time ranges from three to six hours. Everything is dependent on the size of the vegetable cubes. Small chop took three hours, huge chop took six. It is all up to you.
  • I can honestly state that you have a chance if you don’t know what Jewish patience is. Serve it with fresh bread, as a sauce for your favorite pasta, with lamb matbucha is your best buddy, and with eggs as shakshuka – the most welcome dowry relative.

Granny’s words of wisdom

Matbucha in Morocco can be produced larger and preserved in lidded glass jars. You may give it a winter spin. If you are sensitive to heat, leave out the chili peppers. It’s not the traditional version, but it won’t upset your stomach.

Hacelim, also known as eggplant pâté

Granny would glance up at the sky and exclaim, “Imagine the clouds floating across the sky, like a porcelain Madonna set,” if the weather was bad outdoors. In a tumbler of wonderful freshly brewed Indian tea “Three Elephants,” birds soar and resemble teapots. Then, while it will be sad for the soul, it will be a little brighter. I sighed and decided to prepare some tasty tea to divert myself from unimportant thoughts.

We will require:

  1. Eggplant of medium size – 4 pieces.
  2. Classic mayonnaise – 2 tbsp.
  3. 1 clove garlic
  4. Oil from vegetables
  5. Season with salt and black pepper to taste.
  6. Associated materials and equipment:
  7. Oven. \sTray. \sFoil.
  8. Strainers.
  9. Bowl.

Taking part in the Bazaar

Choose your eggplants with care. You must make friends with everyone of them and exchange a long handshake. That is, take an eggplant in your hand. The veggie should be solid, smooth, and free of flaws. If you observe a dimple on the nose of the eggplant, it is a “female”, and if there is no dimple, it is a “boy”. In this case, the male gender is preferable because “girls” contain more seeds and are “not allo” in this dish.


The flavor of the smoke is quite essential in this case. So, if you have gas, smear two eggplants with vegetable oil, pierce many times with a knife, and bake at 180 degrees for around forty minutes. Wrap the other two in foil individually, pierce with a knife, and place the eggplant immediately on a large burner. Check and flip every 5 minutes. It’s done when the eggplant is really soft when pressed. You can perform the same trick on a barbecue or with an inside burner. I recommend acquiring one if you’re becoming a cooking enthusiast like myself. It’s a cool gadget, or as it’s more commonly referred to these days, a gizmo.
When the eggplants are warm, remove the skins and place them in a sieve over a basin. The excess juice should flow away. First and foremost, it is bitter. Second, without the juice, the pâté will be watery.
We place the eggplants on a board and begin chopping with a knife with a wide blade, then add two tablespoons of mayonnaise, a garlic clove that has been previously pressed, salt, and a little black pepper, and continue chopping and mixing all the ingredients together. This should take roughly fifteen minutes. There is no reason to become bored with this monotony of action. You can fantasize of a vacation to the Maldives. Even if you think it’s all a dream, I still say go ahead and dream! Miracles do occur!
When the mixture is uniform, taste and season with salt and pepper. No blenders or mixers allowed! Inexplicable logically, but if you use this technique, the taste will be “unfortunate,” as they say in Odessa.
Place the pâté in a mold and place it in the refrigerator for a few hours.
Make a few toasts of boruda bread, top with hacelim, garnish with green onions or chop some sweet yalta, and serve to your loved ones and family. Believe me, not only will I be proud of you in exactly one minute after you begin the tasting experiment, but they will be as well. That indicates we’re all together!

Matbouha sauce’s composition and calorie count

The vitamin and mineral content of the sauce is determined by the recipe, amounts, and type of components used. The nutritive value is low. The seasoning has a calorie value of 60 kcal per 100 g after stewing in tomato juice.

Matbouha with vegetable oil has a caloric value of 79 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • 1.5 g protein;
  • 1.5 g fat;
  • 10.3 g carbohydrates;
  • 1.2 g dietary fiber

Vitamins found in abundance in the condiment include ascorbic acid, choline, lycopene, nicotinic acid, and beta-carotene. Matbucha in Morocco contains a high concentration of sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, silicon, iron, zinc, and manganese. Despite the fact that the product has nothing to do with the sea, it contains a trace of iodine – at the expense of sweet peppers. 12 essential amino acids with a majority of leucine, 8 substitutable, mostly glutamic and asparagic acid. In addition, the sauce contains organic acids (malic acid, citric acid), pectins, and tannins.

  1. Subiz sauce’s composition and calorie count are also available.

Matbukha’s useful properties

The spicy seasoning stimulates digestive processes and speeds up peristalsis. The salt used in the preparation helps to preserve valuable moisture and maintain water-electrolyte balance, which is critical in the regions where the sauce recipe was developed.

Matbukha’s health advantages include:

  • The delightful product increases the production of happiness chemicals noradrenaline and serotonin, which helps to avoid the development of depression, cope with nervous agitation, balance the emotional background, and improve sleep.
  • Reduces the likelihood of inflammation – stomatitis and periodontal disease by inhibiting pathogen activity.
  • Increases blood circulation and increases overall body tone. Blood pressure stops “hopping” and stabilizes.
  • Improves impulse conduction, memory performance, and coordination.
  • Because of its high ascorbic acid concentration, it boosts immunity, reduces the frequency of infections during the epidemic season, and restores the body’s vitamin and mineral reserves.

Women who added matbukha to their daily diet noticed that PMS became less frequent and their menstrual cycle stabilized. The sauce’s ingredients, hot peppers and tomatoes, are aphrodisiacs for men. The stimulating impact boosts the generation of seminal fluid and increases sexual desire.

It is worth noting that matbouha has an antioxidant effect due to lycopene, a chemical found in tomatoes that does not breakdown under heat treatment. It hastens the clearance of free radicals circulating in the intestinal lumen and circulatory system, inhibits malignancy, and lowers the chance of developing all types of intestinal cancer as well as breast cancer.

Matbukha contraindications and risks

It is best to avoid using the sauce if you have gastrointestinal disorders that are related with increased gastric acidity. Matbucha in Morocco consumption is harmful to the ulcerated mucosa of the mouth, digestive system, and stomach. In the event of an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, ulcer disease, or enterocolitis, you must refuse to enter the diet.

Because of the high oxalic acid content, it is not worth tasting daily seasoning for gout, arthritis, and osteochondrosis during repeated bouts. Limit the pleasant ingredient to foods with urolithiasis or cystitis for the same reason.

The property of boosting body tone is problematic for persons who are prone to hypertension. Bitter pepper, which must be included as one of the key ingredients, increases the stress on the digestive tract and cardiovascular system.

Red items are hazardous to persons who are prone to allergic reactions. When getting to know a new flavor, keep in mind that the sauce’s key ingredients – tomatoes and two types of peppers – are all red.

Recipes for foods containing Matbucha in Morocco

The spice is regarded as ubiquitous, and it is offered with fish and meat meals, pasta, and as a component in pizza and sandwiches. Shakshuka eggs, on the other hand, cannot be made without matbucha. In a thick-walled frying pan, the pepper and tomato sauce is brought to a boil, then eggs are beaten into it before covering with a lid and waiting for the contents to set. Quick, pleasant, and nutritious.

Delicious recipes made with Matbucha in Morocco:

Stew. Fry onion rings in a thick-walled frying pan. When they’re tender, add finely chopped young veal and cook, turning regularly, until a reddish crust forms. Pour in the tomato and pepper seasoning, cover with water, and cook for 40 minutes, or until the liquid is gone and the meat is cooked and mushy.
Fish fried. 1 kilogram of fresh herring is cleaned, large bones are removed (tiny bones are also removed), and the herring is sliced into parts. Roll the fish in the flour-salt mixture. Pour about a finger of sunflower refined oil in a pan, fried the billets until a crispy crust forms, like in a deep fryer, place in a form on a “pillow” of red onions – cut in rings. Top with tomato-pepper sauce and bake for 15 minutes at 160-170°C. This amount of time is sufficient to completely cook the herring. You can make the dish in a pot, then add 250 mL of water and simmer for 15 minutes. Each piece is dusted with fresh herbs – chopped parsley and dill – before serving.

Recipes for foods with velouté sauce are also available.

Matbucha in Morocco facts that are worth knowing

The seasoning is relatively new, with recipes dating back to the 18th century. Tomatoes became less exotic to the peoples of the Middle East during this time period. At the same period, Jewish immigrants brought the matbucha recipe to Israel. It made its way into the diet since the list of ingredients did not contradict kashrut traditions, and the taste was mildly spicy. Furthermore, while freezers were still in development, pepper spice lowered the microbiological dangers of food, because bacteria grow swiftly in heat.

Matbouha sauce is popular among housewives in hot areas since it requires less preparation time. After all, it is sufficient to cut the ingredients into arbitrary pieces, dump them into a pot, and cook over low heat while doing your own business, returning to the kitchen to combine everything on occasion. And then the cooked veggies are ground to a smooth consistency, and dinner is almost ready. So why not learn this simple recipe and make your pets happy as well?

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